• Download PPT Template, Fill in Family Data on Slide Three.
Do NOT include Mother's Maiden Name for any living person in your video.
(Sometimes used as a security question.)
You will archive this slide in your PowerPoint for your LPHS heredity Health Project but Do NOT include it in your video.
• Import pictures into PowerPoint. (Scan older ones.)
• Save PowerPoint Type as "JPEG"
• Import JPEG's into Windows MovieMaker or iMovie. (Do not import unused slides.)
• Add music with a "Family" Theme. (http://www.playlist.com/playlist/22793073163)
• SAVE Project (so that you can make changes/additions).
• SAVE Movie.
Download TEMPLATE - http://itasca.k12.il.us/peacock/6team/peel/historyclassroom/Fam-Vid-TEMPLATE.ppt
GOOGLE "Family Reunion SONGS"
MovieMaker for Kids (Video Directions)
If you are unable to do the Family Tree Music Video
. . . Google images for a vacation place OR a place that you would like to visit and make a G-MTV (G.eography M.usic T.ravel V.ideo) instead.
Sample G-MTV (Vacation Itasca)
Start with World Map, Continent Map, & Close-up
Sample G-MTV Video
with Directions
Dear Parents,
Mr. Peel's project of using H.istory M.usic V.ideos (Humvees) in 6th Grade Social Studies
Class for T.A.G. / Enrichment / Common Time / Extra
Credit teaches the student to:
1. Plan out their project well to avoid time consuming mistakes.
Planning a project in teams is part of collaboration.
2. Organize their information well. They learn a lot about linear and non-linear information
strategies. Some things can be added in a non-linear way such as inserting a slide. Some
things need to be correct before the next step, such as spelling. To take a slide with a
misspelled word and correct it after it has been converted into a jpeg and inserted into
Windows Movie Maker means going back several steps to a PPT program to fix it,
then reconverting it to jpeg. Etc.
3. Once in WMM students learn about flow charts or input of slides/information in an orderly way. Adding in transitions and timing to the music means having all the elements needed in order or the
project doesn't work right. Taking slides in/out in a non-linear way will throw off the music timing.
4. Using different kinds of equipment and multiple literacies:
words + music + pictures converted to a movie
meets National Education Technology Standards (NETS): #4,#5,and #6.
If you need copies of these, please let me know.
Mrs. B.
Middle School
Media Center Director